09 July 2012

MY take on the SANDUSKY scandal which also happens to involve Penn State.

Imagine my surprise to find that my darling brother found the time to post on this beyond-adjective debacle that has unfortunately invaded and colored my world since November 2011.

I agree with him 100%.  I too, an alumna of the University.

I have been watching the proceedings very, very closely since the beginning.  I am hurt, embarrassed, heartbroken, angry.  I am devoted to my beloved Alma Mater.

I cannot watch the news any more.  Not that I could before this, nor could I digest it, because we aren't being given news.  We receive a sideshow meant to divert our attentions; opinions, so we don't have to think.  We are allowing others to think for us.

Sandusky is a monster.  He has received his justice.  But the ax still grinds. Joe Paterno, a dead man whose name is still so big to garner headlines and gather hits on a webpage is being maligned.  This I cannot bear.  Joe despised the media openly.  The media are enjoying their 'last laugh'.  The Governor of PA and the Board of Trustees are doing all that they can to draw the attention away from their missteps and misdeeds by maligning a very good man.  He was an imperfect man, and he would have been the first to say so.

So, the Freeh report is done, the leaks are leaked.  A woman by the name of Vicky Triponey (former VP of Student Affairs at PSU) is now being lauded as a 'whistleblower'.  My guess is that Freeh interviewed her and she took exception that Joe preferred to handle issues with his players himself.  (What coach doesn't?) A little background on Ms. Triponey - she has a history of unhappy students and alumni behind her. 

Surprise, surprise.  She has an ax to grind.  Against Joe Paterno.

Forgive my link.  It appears to be a pro-PSU site.  I use it, because the only people I can trust to continue to call for the truth, come what may, are my fellow alum.  We want the culpable to be removed, like a cancer cut out from the body.  If it comes out that JoePa covered up anything, we want to know.  And if it's true we will be heartbroken and disappointed more than words.

Mark my words, this will be a centerpiece of the not-yet-released-so-supposedly-still-very-private Freeh report.  The leaks involve this very topic.

None of the focus is where it should be.  The administration at Penn State made a huge error (understatement) and continues to knee-jerk and spin and spend millions to put a fancier spin on the hemorrhaging wound.

I still can't think rationally, or logically express myself on the matter because the bleeding is too close to home.  I am not that Penn State.  Penn State IS NOT that Penn State. We are THON, Lift-for-Life, real student-athletes, the largest dues-paying Alumni Association in the world. We are people who donate our money, time and blood (literally) to try and make the world better however we can.  We are people who want justice, want our dignity back, want the lies to end, want the torches and pitchforks to go away.

But for all those who continue to scream loudly on the matter, I ask that you review the facts instead of digesting what you are spoon-fed by the media.  KNOW what you are screaming about.  Us alum?  We don't really know what you're screaming about, because we're waiting for the facts to come in.  We'll be waiting beyond the Freeh report...with his corporate ties to the PSU Board of Trustees, I guarantee the findings are not balanced or uncompromised.  We may never get the facts.

As for me, I'm going to try to get on with my life.  I've been silently judged by people I know and don't know because I made a decision 20 years ago to go to Penn State.  I wouldn't wish this horror on my worst enemy (maybe I would - neutral evil, Dan).

1 comment:

  1. See #5 in my 7/27 post. Sincerely, your true neutral brother
